About Erin Centre Chiropractic and Wellness in Mississauga
In 1998, Dr. Simpson opened Erin Centre Chiropractic and Wellness with a vision of caring for the individual as a whole, integrating his skills and knowledge with a consortium of hand-picked specialists in the fields of chiropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture, naturopathy, stress management, self-visualization and osteopathy, thereby allowing the patient to receive care on a multifaceted approach.
This concept allows for a quick relay of information between health professionals, thereby assuring the patient will receive the maximum benefits in the shortest time frame. The team at Erin Centre feels strongly about working with all members of one’s health care providers and will, at any time, contact a medical doctor or other health professional to update them on a patient’s overall status and confer or address any situation as the need arises.
In this world of shrinking health dollars and long wait times, the team at Erin Centre has not forgotten their pledge to care for their patients. Erin Centre Chiropractic and Wellness is open with flexible hours, including evening and Saturday appointments, to accommodate today’s busy lifestyle. If an emergency arises during off hours, Dr. Simpson will make himself available to his regular patients.
Contact Erin Centre today to schedule your appointment.